Founder, Taj Yoga, primary, Taj Motion

“Yes, we are all born divine. But that doesn’t give us a hall pass for the rest of our lives.”

Theresa Elliott is a nationally recognized practitioner and teacher of yoga who creates and teaches her own unique content through humorous, no-nonsense instruction, all delivered in plain English. In class, she cultivates intellectual engagement and presence of mind through attention to the physical precision of yoga asana. “Why” and “what are we doing” are continual themes in class as students come to understand the rules of the body, and then the rules for breaking the rules.

"I love to move, and I love precision. It’s just that simple. Whether in stationary balance, spinning a hoop, or bolted to a platform, the state of being generated in me by these seemingly different activities is the same. Stillness and motion. They are two sides of the same coin, and presence doesn’t care if you are doing asana or Argentine Tango."

Theresa has been fascinated by the capabilities of the human body since early childhood. Her exploration began in routine children’s sports, made its way through music and dance, and then to yoga in 1987. Theresa became a certified Iyengar teacher in 1990. Her yoga inspiration comes from long time friend and mentor, George Purvis, and from the anatomical teachings of Judith Lasater.

She was the focus of the New York Magazine article, “The Brutal Economics of Being a Yoga Teacher” by Michele Goldberg. Additionally Theresa is the demonstration model for Judith Lasater’s highly acclaimed book, 30 Essential Poses, and the cover model for Yogabody, and Relax & Renew. She modeled for Hugger Mugger Yoga catalogs, posters and products, and served as an Ambassador to Blue Canoe. She created and released the video, “Stillness in Motion: Yoga Vinyasa” and appeared in Yoga Journal’s 1996 calendar.